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Molybdenum helps to activate four essential enzymes throughout the body: sulphite oxidase, aldehyde oxidase, xanthine oxidase, and the mitochondrial component that reduces amidoxime, or mARC. Molybdenum also helps to break down medications taken and toxic substances.


Protects cells from harmful environmental influences such as free radicals.

Molybdenum deficiency symptoms:

  • decrease in the activity of molybdenum-containing enzymes
  • increased excitability and irritability
  • disorder of visual ("dark") adaptation
  • "night blindness"
  • Cardiac rhythm disturbance (tachycardia)

Adults should receive 45 mcg of molybdenum daily, pregnant and lactating women 50 mcg.

Retinol content: mg/100 g
Liver, beef 110
Soy, Beans (seeds) 99
Kidneys, beef 89
Peas, grain 84,2
Liver, pork 82
Lentils, grain 77,5
Liver, chicken, broiler 72
Liver, chicken 58
Kidneys, pork 45
Wheat, grain, durum 42
Yolk, dry, chicken egg 42
Seeds, cocoa beans 40
Beans, seeds 39,4
Oats, grain, industrial grade 39
oats, groats 38,7
Food grain, buckwheat З 38,5
Milk, dry, whole, 25%, canned 36
Milk, dry, low-fat, 1%, canned 36
Peeled groats, buckwheat 34